The owner and operator of the website (the “Site”) is LatestManuals, a company registered in Pakistan with its registered office at L Block Johar Town, Lahore, Punjab (the “Provider”). By using, accessing, or browsing this website, you confirm that you have carefully read and accepted the terms and conditions (the “TERMS OF USE”) that outline the respective rights and obligations of the provider and the user. If you do not agree with these terms of use, you may not access, use, or browse this website.

Use Limitations and Permitted Use: Some manuals, user guides, and other documents are available on the website (“LatestManuals“). You are free to view and download any manual on the website for personal use as long as it is required to view it in your web browser. The Manual’s copyright and other indications must still be observed. You may print one copy of the manual for personal use. The use of the Manual in any manner not specifically authorized by this Agreement or in any Manual that has been previously published or disseminated is prohibited. The majority of manuals may have additional notifications and requirements, and you consent to comply with all notices and requirements of this kind.

Key Definitions:

  • Account: The term “Account” refers to a registered user’s account.
  • Agreement: The contract that allows a registered user to fully take advantage of the services as outlined in these TERMS OF USE is referred to as the “Agreement,” and it is established upon registration.
  • Privacy Policy: The “Privacy Policy,” which is available at privacy-policy, outlines the provider’s privacy practices.
  • Provider: The business LatestManuals, also known as the “Provider,” which provides the Services on the Site, is located at L Block Johar Town, Lahore, Punjab.
  • Registration: “Registration” refers to the process of becoming a User on the Site and creating an Account.
  • Registered User: A “Registered User” is a User who successfully completed Registration.
  • Services: The term “Services” refers to all actions that are carried out within the bounds and under the conditions specified in these Terms of Use, including publishing and storing User content on the Site.
  • Site: The Provider’s website, LatestManuals, is referred to as the “Site.”
  • Site Content: Site content refers to all content on the website, including user-generated content.
  • Unregistered User: A user who attempted to register but was unsuccessful is referred to as an “Unregistered User.”
  • User: A “User” is a natural person or a legal entity who makes use of the Services. Both registered and unregistered users are referred to as “Users” in these Terms of Use.
  • User Content: “User content” refers to all information and materials that Users upload, publish, transmit, or otherwise make available on or through the Site.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s requirements: LatestManuals complies with the guidelines for internet service providers set out in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. 512, as amended). Please send an email to if you have any issues with our terms and conditions or any other aspects of our website.

Services: The provision of storage space for managing, downloading again, and sharing user content through the site, as well as for uploading, storing, and downloading user content, makes up the services.

  • The Services are free and solely available for non-commercial usage.
  • The Provider has the ability to limit access to particular services to only Registered Users.
  • The User is aware of this possibility and agrees that third parties might directly or indirectly help with the delivery of the Services.
  • The Registered User is free to use the Services as long as they are under the scope of those offered.
  • The Unregistered User can only use the Services to a limited extent and may only download User material.

Provider obligations and rights:

  • The Provider doesn’t watch over, edit, or research user content. The Provider’s right to censor or remove User content in accordance with these Terms of Use is unaffected by this provision.
  • User content may be moved among the sections of the site at the provider’s discretion. The information on this website is protected by copyrights, trademarks, trade dress, and other intellectual property that is either owned, controlled, or licensed by the provider or that of its respective owners. This includes any graphics, designs, photographs, videos, texts, and other materials.
  • The User acknowledges and agrees that the Provider is free to alter the Site, the provided Services, their conditions, and their scope at any time and without previous notice to the User. The User is also aware of and agrees to the possibility that such changes can have an effect on supplied Services or possibly make some features unavailable. The User is not entitled to compensation for any harm caused by such a restriction in the functionality of the provided Services as a result of changes to the Site or Services.
  • The Provider may remove or disable User Content if it violates these Terms of Use, any applicable laws, or the rights of third parties, or if the Provider has a good faith belief that such removal or disabling is necessary due to such violation. In its sole discretion, the Provider may use this right at any time, without justification or prior notification to the User. Provider disclaims all responsibility for such User Content and User waives any rights to request its removal or disablement, regardless of whether the User Content violated these Terms of Use, any laws, or the rights of third parties.
  • The Provider is authorized to suspend the Registered User’s ability to upload files to the Site without prior notice in the event that the Registered User violates these Terms of Use or if the Provider has a reasonable suspicion that these Terms of Use, legal requirements, or third-party rights are being violated. The Provider may, in its sole discretion, exercise this right whenever it sees fit, without justification or prior notification to the Registered User.
  • The Provider is free to terminate the Services at any time and without prior notice to the User.
  • If the materials are altered or used for any other purpose, Provider’s or the applicable third party’s copyright and other intellectual property rights are violated. As long as all copyright and other proprietary signs are retained, user content may be downloaded. Please be advised that the permission granted herein terminates immediately if User breaches these Terms of Use. Any additional uses of user content on this website beyond those already indicated may be prohibited by copyright or trademark laws without the Provider’s prior written approval.

Duty and rights of users:

  • The Registered User must provide true, up-to-date, and complete information identifying themselves as a Registered User while completing the Registration.
  • The Registered User is accountable for all User content that is uploaded, broadcast, submitted, and/or communicated to or through the Site. The Registered User does not give up any rights in connection with the User content by uploading, publishing, submitting, and/or transmitting it on the Site, unless otherwise stated in these Terms of Use.
  • By uploading User Content to the Site, the Registered User grants the Provider permission to automatically process and store User Content and all copies thereof.
  • The Registered User grants the Provider permission to automatically process the User content and display any available file metadata (specifically, file name, file type, its size, number of pages, format/codec, resolution, and bit rate